
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture is a gentle and relaxing treatment that is based in over 2000 years of practice.  It can be used to treat a wide scope of complaints.  With the insertion of very fine acupuncture needles along appropriate meridians and points on the body, tension and stress is released at the cellular and energetic level of the body.  Acupuncture can then be used to help speed recovery time from injury, support circulation and regulatory functions of the body, release stress and anxiety, and support healthy overall mental and physical balance within the body.

Benefits of Acupuncture

  • Throat: Acid reflux disease eased & heartburn soothed. 
  • Head: Headaches & migraines.
  • Immune System: Pumped up immune cell activity to seek & destroy infections.
  • Digestion: Symptoms of indigestion eased.
  • Stomach: Relief from pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy.
  • Menopause: Fewer & less severe hot flashes.
  • Nose: Seasonal allergies lessene
  • Mood: Treatment for depression and anxiety.
  • Heart:  Lower stress levels & blood pressure.
  • Sleep:Enhanced relaxation & improved sleep quality.
  • Back: Lower back pain relief. 

Some studies suggest acupuncture can help with cancer treatment and multiple sclerosis, however research for these conditions is limited and requires larger studies to confirm the benefits.